Choose Yourself Book Summary (PDF) by James Altucher

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Ready to learn the most important takeaways from Choose Yourself in less than two minutes? Keep reading!

Why This Book Matters:

Choose Yourself urges you not to wait around to be picked, that instead, you must choose yourself.

The Big Takeaways:

  1. Keeping up with the societal norm is done.
    1. If “The American Dream” ended after the financial crisis of 2008.
  2. You can no longer follow the same set-in-stone paths as your parents; you must now become responsible for your own life 100%.
    1. You now have absolute freedom to dictate where you end up in life.
  3. Take chances for the things you want, even if that means failing from time to time.
    1. Don’t wait for things to come to you anymore. If you want them, take steps to get them.
  4. Physical and mental health both play a massive part in being able to successfully “choose yourself.”
    1. Your spiritual and emotional health is just as important as your physical. You must learn to filter out the negative and nourish the other parts of yourself.
  5. Your life doesn’t need one grand purpose; stop stressing yourself about it.
    1. You never know when your “life’s purpose” will present itself to you. Don’t worry about when it will show up. Instead, live your life the way you feel it’s intended for now.

Want To Keep Reading?

  1. Read A Longer Form Summary on Blinkist
  2. Buy The Book on Amazon
  3. Listen To The Audiobook

Watch A Video Summary:

Additional Video From The Author:

I started Two Minute Books to help people improve their lives and their businesses or careers. My work has been featured by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. & U.K. Governments. You can read my writing about digital nomading & life improvement at