What Color is Your Parachute? Book Summary (PDF) by Richard N. Bolles

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Ready to learn the most important takeaways from What Color is Your Parachute? in less than two minutes? Keep reading!

Why This Book Matters:

What Color is Your Parachute? lets readers know the steps they must take to find a job that is right for them, including upping their online presence, nailing their interview, and determining the value they bring to the table.

The Big Takeaways:

  1. Finding a steady job has become harder and harder.
    1. If Employers have become more attracted to the idea of short-term positions to lower costs in our unsteady economy.
  2. Resumes are becoming outdated as technology rises.
    1. People once had authority over how possible employers viewed them, but with the power of Google, anyone can find out anything they want to know about you in just a few clicks.
  3. Finding a job has the same process as it always has.
    1. At its core, finding a job is about finding a relationship that works.
  4. After you’ve found your match, you need a good interview.
    1. Make a good impression on the company by knowing what it values before you even have your first interview.
  5. When you land the job, you must be ready to negotiate your salary.
    1. Have a good idea in mind of what people in your position would normally get paid, and know the value you bring to the table given your knowledge and experience.

Want To Keep Reading?

  1. Read A Longer Form Summary on Blinkist
  2. Buy The Book on Amazon
  3. Listen To The Audiobook

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I started Two Minute Books to help people improve their lives and their businesses or careers. My work has been featured by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. & U.K. Governments. You can read my writing about digital nomading & life improvement at FreedomIsEverything.com.