A Brief History Of Time Book Summary (PDF) by Stephen Hawking

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Ready to learn the most important takeaways from A Brief History Of Time in less than two minutes? Keep reading!

Why This Book Matters:

A Brief History of Time explains the theories of how things move, how we experience life, and what these things mean relative to our existence on earth.

The Big Takeaways:

  1. You can use history to determine what the future has in store.
    1. If A theory of the future can cancel out a theory of the present. This is what allows science to evolve constantly.
  2. The way things move is influenced by one of the three laws Newton established.
    1. Newton realized the influence of force and how it affected objects.
  3. The speed at which things move is not relative.
    1. The discovery that the speed of light made it clear that observation is relative, not the speed itself.
  4. The idea of time is dependent on the observer.
    1. Time can vary depending on the person who is observing it.
  5. There is no for-sure reason for why the earth was created.
    1. Though many scientists believe that the big-bang was the “how,” they are still unsure of the “why.”

Want To Keep Reading?

  1. Read A Longer Form Summary on Blinkist
  2. Buy The Book on Amazon
  3. Listen To The Audiobook
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