How to Be an Antiracist Book Summary (PDF) by Ibram X. Kendi

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Ready to learn the most important takeaways from How to Be an Antiracist in less than two minutes? Keep reading!

Why This Book Matters:

How to Be an Antiracist explains how racism is rooted in systems of policy and how people can become antiracist by noticing the differences in people while acknowledging a need for equality.

The Big Takeaways:

  1. Know that racial injustice is embedded in the guidelines.
    1. If To achieve a better balance, an antiracist may suggest positive discrimination, like affirmative action, where through policy is equality received.
  2. Racists think blacks are lesser than because they choose to act a certain way.
    1. An antiracist does not want to change the culture of blacks. Instead, they wish to see the policies that created the violent parts of the culture dismantled.
  3. Racists believe that the biology of the races is different.
    1. Though physical differences are apparent, there are no differences between people biologically.
  4. Racists believe that the color of one’s skin is an indicator of their goodness.
    1. The media perpetuates this racist idea that lighter skin and attributes more in-line with white people are superior when it comes to beauty.
  5. How white people think about other white people is still racist.
    1. An antiracist will always be against racism and racist policies, regardless of who the racism is targeted toward.

Want To Keep Reading?

  1. Read A Longer Form Summary on Blinkist
  2. Buy The Book on Amazon
  3. Listen To The Audiobook

Additional Video From The Author:

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