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- Netflixed: The Epic Battle for America’s Eyeballs (Business, $1.99)
- By Gina Keating.
- 4.4/5 stars with 115 reviews.
- Netflix has come a long way since 1997, when two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings, decided to start an online DVD store before most people owned a DVD player. They were surprised and elated when launch-day traffic in April 1998 crashed their server and resulted in 150 sales. Today, Netflix has more than 25 million subscribers and annual revenues above $3 billion. Yet long- term success-or even survival-is still far from guaranteed. Journalist Gina Keating recounts the absorbing, fast-paced drama of the company’s turbulent rise to the top and its attempt to invent two new kinds of business.
- HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time (Inspirational, $0.99)
- By Brad Aronson.
- 4.9/5 stars with 289 reviews.
- In HumanKind, you’ll meet the mentor who changed a child’s life with a single lesson in shoe tying, the six-year-old who launched a global kindness movement, the band of seamstress grandmothers who mend clothes for homeless people, and many other heroes.
- Get Out of Your Head: A Toolkit for Living with and Overcoming Anxiety (Personal Development, $0.99)
- By Brian Sachetta.
- 4.5/5 stars with 168 reviews.
- If you’re like one of the millions of Americans who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks every year, you probably spend too much time in your own head. Though our minds are great places to solve complex problems, they’re borderline destructive when it comes to handling fear and anxiety.
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